About Us

Introducing Woolbuddy- Beautiful, Whimsical Needle Felting
Woolbuddy produces lovely needle felted characters and playful DIY projects. This art form uses felting needles to shape wool from loose to sculptured by simply poking. Most people would be amazed by how easy it is to begin and enjoy the flexibility of the medium to create many different projects.
Woolbuddy is a labor of love that includes more then 300 different characters. Each has a unique look, feel and personality! There are over 40 different needle felting kits ranging from beginner to advanced. Every kit has been tested by ourselves ensuring that the instructions are easy to follow and the wool included is the very best. In 2015, our first pattern book "Woolbuddies" was published and soon became one of the most popular books on Amazon.com. The book includes 20 different irresistible projects for people to make super cute Woolbuddies on their own!
Jackie Huang, owner and creator of Woolbuddy, is an artist, storyteller, entrepreneur, tinkerer, teacher, father and husband. His passion for creating keeps him continuously discovering new mediums. It was back in 2009 that this curiosity led him to needle felting. Woolbuddy was born out of creating his own imaginative and magical toys for his new daughter.
Woolbuddy is the best choice for entering the world of needle felting! Contact us today to open a wholesale account.